Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.

proverbs 22:6

Sunday School and Nursery

At Riverside United Church we provide supervised child-care for infants and toddlers every Sunday. School aged children are encouraged to join their families in the Sanctuary until Children’s Time. Youth and children then proceed with their teachers, to discover the wonders of the Bible and how to apply it’s teachings to everyday life. We engage the children with a variety of learning styles: Storytelling, Art, Drama, Movies, Crafts, Puppetry, Dance, Music and Media.


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WE ARE OPEN! Come join the “big kids” upstairs!

Want to read a bible verse and be part of RUC’s weekly sermon?

Just message us on our facebook – Riverside United Church Kid’s Ministry or email ruc@mnsi.ca ruc@mnsi.ca to find out how! Can’t wait to see those videos!


This week's Big Idea:

Using our talents to serve God!

This week's Bible Verse:

Plant your seed in the morning & keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another – or maybe both

ecclesiastes 11:6


Disciplr is the curriculum we use to teach in Sunday School. Disciplr is an online curriculum that has a focus on helping Christians grow their faith and pass it on to the next generation. Disciplr uses scripture-based lessons along with creative aspects for simple application in every day life.